Hi all could some one let me know is this right for a 24 Hr day i like it to be real time on my server plesase, if this is not right could some...
This is why i have CraftBukkit on my server it as never let me down and i just love all the plugins out there, So keep up the good work no i mean...
Hi there M8 it is a problem been the same in 1.6.6 But if you place a block on by the error it gose back to normal and longer you are in server i...
HI there again have you got a link for Download ModloaderMP-enabled version of Planes from liar's thread.
Ok Thank you i will do this in 30 mins got to nip to shops thank you for all your help so far Nick
ok have a good sleep but MoCreatures works on CraftBukkit #1000 and the babyanimals are in MoCreatures as well they work fine to i have not had...
hi fella here is the link for server side planes mod [removed] all i did is drop in to craftbukkit but that were i get the same problem
Hi fella could you post link to your craftbukkit thats modded with the planes i can sort the rest out you can take link down after 5 mins of post...
Hi fella Better Than Wolves dont work on ANY SMP servers its ONLY a SP Mod at the moment and planes mod dose work but only in minecraft_servers...
Hi fella i can craft them BUT i dont have then in ToManyItems Mod when in server but still crafting ok so to your ? the anwser is YES they are there
you got : when u should have ;
could you tell me do we need on clinet side GuiAP 0.10.4 for MoCreatures
Well Done Bro you Hit The Nail On The HEAD W.O.R.K.S Great thank you [diamond][diamond][diamond]:D
Hi fella do you have a working craftbukkit #1000 with itemcraft 1.6.4 ?
Hi Fella i'm just about to redo my server i been up all night testting so i will let you know ASAP i'm going to try CraftBukkit 1.7.3 Build...
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