I would assume a player damage event, check the cause to see if it's equal to fishing rod?
He asked what program you are using to edit your code, not your bukkit version.
@thepluginbros So the players name is the name of the crafted chest?
@thepluginbros Elaborate more please
This may not be as efficient for you, but get the block locations for all the 'doors', or colored wool, and if the player is on the team just send...
@AoH_Ruthless It's not a code error
Nvm, stupid question. Figured it out
Cammeritz You had other formatting issues.
Your formatting in the plugin.yml was a bit weird. name: Cammeritz version: 1.0 author: Cammeritz description: Cammeritz main:...
I may be wrong, but I think you should get in the habit of using names instead of ids since minecraft will be eliminating ids.
@Not2EXceL Most people that I would code plugins for don't have that mental capacity.
@Tommy Raids Listen for a player interact event (or something along the lines), check if the player is in arraylist, if they are then apply the...
Compressions Ah, thats a lot easier. Thank you!
@Compressions Hmm. Is there any type of method that can stop the enabling of the plugin? I know I can do the if statement on all methods, but...
Compressions Ok thanks. And what do think the best way to disable the plugin would be? Check the boolean on all my methods and continue if it's...
Separate names with a comma.