I wanna make a bukkit plugin. I know a bit of java like the basics i watched about 17 tuts on the newboston. Do you know any tutorials i should...
Why when i right click a sign a class sign, it does not give me items and this is all default settings.
So when i go to use /ma join I go and right click the sign and it chooses the class for me but i don't get itemD: Why? And yes i setup the mob...
ok but there is no regionD: There is a faction tho Help please:( EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double...
I have no regions at that area. and what you mean use strings? wait it is worldgruad now what do ido? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please...
My users can not brake vehicles this is the message they get: "you don't have permission to destroy vehicles here" Plugins i am using:...
ok sorry here thay are guys: Orebfuscatoor, GroupManager, WorldEdit, CaptureThePortal, Welcome, Buycraft, ColoredSigns, SimpleCommandSigns, Vault,...
i have mcmmo and factions thoes are the only ones i would think of that could do that and nocheet
Hello when i try to brake a minecart on my server as default it seid "You don't have permission to destroy vehicles here do you know why? i am...
SSD/HDD????!?!? how do i make itso when i run a would it does notspawn trees on every thingand cut the buildings in haf EDIT by Moderator:...
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