MayoDwarf Hello?
timtower Isn't it possible changing to a better and newer code?
Then show it :)! One of the devs from Essentials stated that it isn't possible to do with Essentials (and GM) and that they wouldn't implement it....
timtower No, but it gets quite laggy when on a big server :). And it needs a few features :)
No. It's not possible :)
Hey! I own a Prison server and would like to both display [Owner] and [C] but I can't do it with EssentialsChat nor GroupManager Plugin...
I don't think the request layout is needed here: I used this plugin a long time ago and I loved it! I would love the person that wants to update...
Wohoo! I got the idea for McBB :D I use this: But will come back to McBB when it seems...
And auto equip a pumpkin that can't be taken off for getting it too be more scary, and add Bedrock fog :O... That would be scaring :O
They should change them to endermen, that would be scaring as hell.. Only way to get away from them is water :(..
The field id is that the number you can find in PhpMyAdmin or in the control panel on PhpBB3?
It works fine for me? Sure you don't have a function enabled (plugin..)?
I'll test, and find a way to solve it :)
Separate names with a comma.