Hi I'm admin on a server with around 30 players online and 50 at max and we're having alot of laggspikes. We don't know what it is but I think it...
I want to be able to do /invite (name) and when he accepts (/accept) he joins my group. If he already has a group he can't accept. I have a...
** I also requested this kind of plugin earlier this year, it got closed and nobody could make this simple system, I hope someone could help me...
BUMP. PS: I want it as fast as possible because i want to open my server tomorrow/the day after tomorrow.
I want it to use PermissionsEx. It only has to INVITE people, Factions has claiming and i don't want that. And xTeam: i don't want people to...
Plugin category: GROUPS Suggested name: GroupInviter What I want: I want a plugin that simply gives a user the permission to invite people to...
Thank you!
Ok. But that's NOT what i want, My request was: per PERMISSION not per GROUP.
I don't want i per group! I want it per permission. Because my players have different groups. They have the groups: (staff-group), clan-group and...
Plugin category: Teleportation Suggested name: PermissionSpawn What I want: I want a plugin that has a different spawn when you have a...
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