I've solved it! Thanks everyone for all the help! <3
xXSniperzzXx_SD Could i have a example of what you mean, I sorta get what you getting at the point but can't picture it in my head.
For example this is what i have right now in my code: public void addPlayer(final Player player) { final Scoreboard board =...
try this: ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(Material.MONSTER_EGG, amount, ID) player.getInventory().addItem(stack); you will find the egg IDs...
Try this: this.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncTaskLater(plugin, new BukkitRunnable() { public void run() {...
Got a friend to help, No need :) nvm, Got a friend to help me with it :) EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of...
Already got it working :P Thanks for the help anyways
Panjab What do you mean about onEnable()? Panjab It still won't work :P I still need help with this. Anyone? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts,...
Gater12 Nope that just delays the firework to spawn :P [IMG] This is sorta what i mean: 5 sec -----> a fireworks spawns -----> 5 sec ------>...
Gater12 Haha yea you're right about the picture :D Umm this is what i had before but i just spawned on a small delay after i moved and just keep...
Title says it all [IMG] I want to add a tasktimer but i don't really know how cause you can see in the pic everytime i move it spawns fireworks...
No, I just marked it at solved cuz i got the runnable working because you helped me, I just need help on the task timer now
Okay np Good night :)
mrCookieSlime Could you give me a example of a TaskTime, I've seen them before but didn't get what they were for.
It dose work with BukkitRunnable but when i move it keeps spawning a firework but i want it to have small breaks before spawing another 1 here is...
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