Updating the plugin had not worked however i then updated my build of bukkit since a few newer ones were out and that appears to have fixed it so...
I dont see what its going to accomplish since it works fine without 1.6 with the exact same config but here you go. http://pastebin.com/RUS2TdTP...
I had figured it would be self implied that what wasn't working would be the chest locking. Starts up fine doesn't report any errors however...
does not appear to be working in 1.6.2 any chance at an update?
Yeah im not in offline mode either (afaik its not possible to use offline mode anymore with bukkit but i could be wrong) so i am not sure whats wrong.
Alright so i set that, restarted the server. And gave it some time to update. Seems to still be stuck on saying everyone but me is online. Oddly...
Suddenly it works! lol thanks that was the thing that was missing. I was on IIS winserver 2012 and it had just kinda worked. I have used debian...
How can i check that the webserver is connecting properly? i already have the settings right i am 100% sure of that as stats is logging properly...
Alright i installed it best part is it says all green on check.php so now i am even more confused
it says No issues found. Any other ideas? is there a certain php module needed or something? I tried grabbing the most recent version and putting...
Hey i am having an issue, moved my stats over to a new server and not the webpage is simply blank nothing loads period (see http://kitsuna.net)...
i got the map page working which is nice but the player status does not appear to be working right its showing a player as online even tho they...
i figured it out i forgot to replace the old config.php when updating cus im a derp
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