bump I need a method to remove the messages as well. A duel plugin, in a safezone(pvp deny) region would allow PVP in the region but the message...
Stacktrace? Code?
Nooo... If you haven't already realized, I meant that you can use it, read it but you can't edit it a bit and re-upload it as your own, read the...
Meh, all I got is too try decompiling and reading how, iforgot290 did it. You cannot edit it as your own though, read the license....
Ironic. I'm replying to you now, I don't mean to get your hopes up but from what I've seen I think it's not possible ( I've tried before ), anyone...
Something like this? @EventHandler public void interactent(PlayerInteractEntityEvent e) { Player p =e.getPlayer(); if (e.getRightClicked()...
Ah, I'ma try this now, thanks. Alright, thanks! It worked, I was changing the scale twice that was my problem I forgot about another plugin I...
Thanks, for your help. But for my server my players can gain health, around 5 hp every level. This kinda gives them more hearts.
So, I've got the boss health bar being used as a health-board, displaying the HP amount going up to around 20,000 max. Now I scaled the health...
RPG-Server mechanics re-write with Datdenkikniet He's a genius.
It adds you, to a group. Anybody using the plugin would automatically have you added to a group on the plugin run, despite their disapproval of it.
1. There is no error on the console. 2. The original code is on chasechocolate's thread. 3. Check the times I bumped it.
Why are you using the console, lol? What are you attempting to accomplish?
Separate names with a comma.