I'm having trouble with this plugin, i got iConomy6 and i have permissions, i configured the plugin to give rewards, nothing points to why it just...
So is it impossible to create a mod like this?
I was told differently but i didn't think to ask the guy the name of the mod an he hasn't been around lately. And I'm sure spout isn't the only...
I was told there is a new mod/plugin in development that turns your texture pack into a server texture pack. I know this sounds a lot like spout...
I have decided to create some pvp areas in my server but theres one problem, whenever someone dies in the arena the plugin "NoCheat" spams my...
I am trying to get permissionsplus working on my server ATM because i am getting tired of doing promotions manually over winSCP. Can anyone help...
It doesnt really tell me an actual error, its just a bunch of random shit...
I can help you through TeamViewer if you have it.
This is the last thing i need done before i can release my server, i cant seem to get essentials spawn to work! i installed it right and...
I got essentials not essentialsSpawn, i actually looked for essentials spawn before but couldnt find it. Ok i figured out the sign shop thing but...
I can help you in TV pm me your ID and pass
Im running WorldGuard,WorldEdit,Permissions,LWC,Iconomy,iChat,Essentials and AutoMessage. Idk what you mean by check the spacing with the...
Fixed it, tell me why /setspawn and /spawn isnt working and why no group with '*' can use the sign shops
## # AntiBuild is included with this. To disable a group from being able to build then # set the build: flag to false (build: false). If you...
Im having problems with - 'essentials.setspawn' and - 'essentials.spawn'. When i type /setspawn or /spawn nothing happens, im in the usergroup...
Separate names with a comma.