Woah, i just asking for help. Im sorry i didn't know that it had been answered before.
Hey guys, i have probably seen a thread about this that i have forgotten about. Anyway this sounds like a dumb question but as the title reads,...
Thanks guys but that was not really the help i was looking for, i was more wondering if it would be possible to get the groups from the config...
Hey guys, Im making a plugin that practically shows staff online. I want it to show the mods, admins, helpers etc. in a list after they type a...
Hey guys, i know this hard hit tragedy to the bukkit community after the DCMA takedown. But I'm a beginner/intermediate plugin maker and have made...
Hey, I'm making a plugin that gets online players skulls and does many other things. My problem is that i can get all the online players and get...
Goblom I don't want that. I don't want my plugin having dependencies, I want it to all be included in the actual plugin. But thank you. Bump...
tommyhoogstra Have you registered your events?
xTrollxDudex I would have no clue how do that (as i never had to before). Anyone else know how to do that? (Ive really never had to do that)....
Hey guys, Im creating a plugin that uses a GUI to change the time, weather etc. Im adding a ban and kick feature that when you open the GUI and...
swampshark19 Maurdekye Thats the problem there is no error when i click on a skull In the inventory...
Hey guys i honestly don't know what is wrong with this code. If anyone could help it would be really appreciated. if...
Lionhard i don't use an InventoryOpenEvent But here is the code: if (e.getCurrentItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().contains("Ban")) {...
Don't worry Lionhard Don't bother wasting your time with me. But thanks for your time and effort. Thanks to all the people who contributed....
Lionhard It was never my intention of you giving me the code. I wanted help, I never said "Give Me The Code". I was looking for pointers not...
Separate names with a comma.