Then write new Updater(this, 68778, this.getFile(), Updater.UpdateType.DEFAULT, false); instead ;) Gravity I have seen a few errors in your...
desht Is there a way to not make my plugins weight 3 MB when I link dhutils ? :) Also, I was wondering, For a radius of 1000, it means :...
desht Thanks you for all of your tips, I am unsure to understand the part of a schematic, maybe because english isn't my native language and...
The NMS version is so so fast that it is not even worth dividing the task. The issue is that it still require the for loop to get blocks location...
Thanks for this! Now, the only slowness I am facing, is the Loop For. Let's say I have a radius of "1000", even if I would empty the loop, it is...
Yeah, I think I should import Craftbukkit instead of Bukkit and start using Minecraft API itself :S I know Bukkit team tries as much as they can...
Thanks :) It still doesn't fix sadly : net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R1.ReportedException: Exception while updating neighbours
I made this : try { final Player p = (Player) cs; final World world = p.getWorld(); final int...
Hi everyone! I do know we must not make huge task in the main thread because blocking it would causes bad behaviours, etc.. I am writing a...
Of course running plugins use more RAM. Of course making the API for it will use more ram, just like bukkit does if you compare it to vanilla. and...
He left :O ?
I bought the Android Aplpication to go with this plugin and everything works but the Android application really doesn't work well. Really slow,...
I did already :/ Any idea?
None of them, what I've done is with the terminal this : and yes even...
Thanks you, I still get the same error even with addind mysql-connector-java-bin.jar to the folder :/
Separate names with a comma.