I have tried using the deprecated methods but it always gives me the wrong blocks, like the one to the left and above the block I am focused on in...
I realize now it may be that the player isn't online... I am going to add an int in my object's constructor though to have the object track this.
r is a review object with the method to get the name of the player. thats what I did with the getname() method of the review object r EDIT by...
You have your else following a for each loop. Add a closing bracket to have it properly follow the if statement.
So in my plugin I have a line of code... Bukkit.getPlayer(r.getName()).hasPermission("reviewplugin.vipplus") and this is reading in saying that...
I was looking trying to find an event for a beacon being activated, like, the beam shooting up in the air. I was unable to find anything on my...
@Blah1 the if statement on line 37 probably shouldn't return true yet, its causing you to leave before checking the "if (chatEnable == true)"...
lines 62 and 63 should probably contained within {} along with line 61, not sure of your exact idea on the requirements for it to fire or not so I...
I have a plugin that is designed to manage reviews for a creative server, I wanted to modify it so that players with certain permission nodes...
I realized that it was failing to initialize one of my variables, so it opens the chest properly that is my selection menu, but it fails to show...
2013-09-05 21:36:26 [SEVERE] Could not pass event InventoryCloseEvent to CeolestesClasses v1.0 org.bukkit.event.EventException at...
The path is correct and its an index out of bounds exception when I activate any listener, loading is fine
Anyone have any ideas?
yes, i did that, although i will admit not at first...
I am writing a plugin that allows the use of classes for a mini game I am working on. When I do try and load this into my server it loads nothing...
Separate names with a comma.