I get the feeling this will mess up Essentials. Any consideration into that? Possibly request that Essentials check for this plugin and disable...
I'm thinking the bug isn't something you did, so much as something you didn't do. You probably need to check their hostility every few seconds...
Sweet, I'll update.
Checked all the accounts I knew for my servers, no one was on there.
Feature request: save to a different directory (make a backup)
yeah, it's broken, please update!
Definitely the best mindless fun plugin I've seen yet. Now if only the sheep had hats! =D ... AND LAZARZ!!!
Very nice, few requests though: -/release all command -/ms help shows full command list -way to recapture w/o using ball -/follow automatically...
Oh, didn't know that. I was afraid iChat would interfere with CraftIRC, but I'll give it a shot.
I set groups to have prefixes, but they aren't being shown.
LOVED LWC for hmod, but I'm going to wait to install it this time because dispensers are buggy. Dispenser protection sounds GREATLY needed though! =D
Separate names with a comma.