Bukkit does not support offline mode servers. Buy the game.
You need to explain a hell of a lot more.
I asked, what is your plugin list... I might be able to tell you which one if so.
Are you definitely op and not in the 16 block spawn radius?
67% of people are 9 year old cunts who want everything for free. You may argue with this, but answer this. Is it right to go a shop and steal a...
Plugin List?
Plugins are like knifes. They chop up and cut what Minecraft already has, and adapts it. Mods are like bricks. They add stuff to the game, like...
Bukkit is a server mod for Vanilla Minecraft. Mo' Creatures is a mod for Vanilla Minecraft. Mo' Creatures may work with Bukkit, but Bukkit does...
Yay, your back Derpzord :) Wow, Derpzord has 17 pending requests for logo's :o EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button...
Sure, I'll inbox you everything.
--- Edited by GRPGamer: Sorry, didn't think when I posted. ---
Could you be abit more detailed?
Separate names with a comma.