timtower it can change only biomes!
I didn't tell, that i want a world generation type!
Can you tell me what EXACTLY to do! Because i want the plugin, whic automaticly generates the spheres. [img] EDIT by Moderator: merged posts,...
So... Is there plugin, which generates sphere WORLD like that: ( i want a world generation type, so that world is only spheres) [IMG]
Hi! I have a plugin Craffftt (http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/crafftt/). I downloaded the new version and it was refused. Than i fixed it...
lycano thank's!
Hi! I need a little help! I have the next code: config.addDefault("EXP_BOTTLE(S)", true); config.addDefault("LEATHER(S)", true);...
Hi! I have the next code: public class UpdateCheckerPlugin { protected Logger log; protected UpdateChecker updateChecker;...
So it is'nt possible? Bukkit.getServer().broadcastMessage(ChatColor.GREEN+"But this will!"); solved EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please...
What code i should use to add colors to logger? log.info("TEXTMUSTHAVECOLOR")
ok than, thanks a lot!
log.info(System.out.println(message.toString());) gives me an error. Help me to end the code! log.info(message); gives an error to. It tells...
Hi everyone! i have the next problem: When plugin starts it tells me: *Loaded recipe: GRASS_BLOCK *Loaded recipe: MOSSY_COBBLE *Loaded recipe:...
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