Could you please give the name or link?
I have a very simple idea which won't be too hard to make. A smoke machine is a block, selected with the command ''/smokemachine enable'', That...
Thank, I hope you can do something against it!
You can acces the source-code on github, Maybe some of the plugin-devs can do something with it?
Here it is: When you join a server and press [Esc], There is a new option: Download...
Plugin category: Anti-Griefing tools / Admin tools / Miscellaneous Suggested name: AntiWorldDownload A bit about me: I'm a co-owner on a...
So it is not possible to let a block light up without spout? :(
No no no, You're thinking with redstone lamps! I mean you can use Every block as target block and Everyblock can light up (So that torch light...
I don't need wireless redstone, (I already have it), But just blocks that light up by only powering 1 sourceblock
It's just that the target blocks light up, Nothing more actually :P
Let's do it the proper way: Plugin category: Mechanics Suggested name: SpotLights A bit about me: I'm a redstone freak that likes to create...
Go to your file, And there is a node: level-name=<YOURWORLDNAME> Change the name at <YOURWORLDNAME> and use an Multiworld plugin...
Dear Drakia, Could you please add per group config? So i can change per group the text colour and not Everyones text colour..
I fixed this, By filling an other world name in my server.props. I now use that world as survival world, and my old world as a Creative...
Separate names with a comma.