@xSpreeZ When you do Location l = loc.add(0, 4, 0); you're not actually changing anything, just assigning a new location variable. If you want to...
@GCD55 https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/ Entity e; List<Entity> near = e.getNearbyEntities(5.0, 2.0, 5.0); That would get you all...
@aaiach Bukkit.getPlayer("name") is a fuzzy match method. For example if you have a user Notch online. Searching for "N", "No", "Not" will all...
Use the command preprocess event to cancel commands if the player doesn't have permission.
You need to save your config, after you set the amount.
Thanks for pointing that out, it's fixed now.
Then chances are, you aren't loading or saving your configuration correctly. See http://wiki.bukkit.org/Configuration_API_Reference
You have your + 1 inside the search term. So you are searching for an integer with value "X11". You need to change it like so. int x1 =...
Teleporting to it in game, and then leaving it could cause the world to unload. Unless as Konato mentioned you have your spelling wrong, otherwise...
Because while you have the sword in your hand you enter the while loop, locking up the main server thread, so no other code can execute....
I'd use a string builder to concatenate all of the arguments, simply done as so: StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = 1; i <...
Chances are you are trying to teleport them to a world which has not been loaded. If the world already exists you can load it by using Bukkit's...
You're getting the black at the x, y, z in the for loop coordinates. Those are OFFSET coordinates from your starting point, not real coordinates....
Well yes, if you want to stop it seeing through walls you'll have to consider the geometry of objects in the way of line of sight. Like I said it...
I'd use this https://bukkit.org/threads/cardboard-serializable-itemstack-with-enchantments.75768/ Works great for me, and if you want to store...
Separate names with a comma.