Thank for the info and it the change of the text you ask me to change. :P
Oh ok, It fix the bug. :P But now i have one error of the "PHP 5.6.6-1~dotdeb.1" is: In the and...
Oh ok, I it a fresh install not work. So look do debug of php but the error_reporting(-1); do not work for me try is ini_set('display_errors',...
We use Apache and PHP with Debain 7.8 and we do not use xampp. -_- I didn't modify the code. Please do test on Debain 7.8 with Oracle VM VirtualBox.
Add in the index.php the code but do not show up a error or info. Sure be like is in the codes of the index.php: <?php error_reporting(-1); ?
I have some error at @luanacub here the link:
Ok. It work. Thank for the help.
It you see what is the bug of the: [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error. [SEVERE] [Buycraft] Unexpected error occured in...
My server host ask what is your port his plugin uses to access external databases? +I did a test in my PC in home, it work good with no error....
Oh ok. I report to the host server of you say to me of the ping the api.buycraft so it to waiting reply me of it. Oh ok.My server host say: The...
I did /buycraft reload it not help. It not give the data of the API. So the error is [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed due to timeout error....
Yes, I did all good in the paypal. I think can be the server of buycraft not work on my server. But Paypal work good. Buycraft send me a email...
Hey, Guys. I have a bug or a error. Load the plugin it say. [INFO] [Buycraft] Enabling Buycraft v4.6 [SEVERE] [Buycraft] HTTP request failed...
I got some errors of permissions, you didn't said the permissions of ts3 or just an error, can you help me please? 2012-04-21 11:38:15 [WARNING]...
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