Allright. So i have to find an other solution ^^. Thanks for your reply ;)
Hey guys, i was searching for a while now but can't find any useful information. The plugin i am writing needs the possibility to find out if the...
Hey, by using the Plugin i also got this error: after adding the rs.close() command, the Server showed the following errorcode. My Code:...
Hey wrecker, I'm very sorry, but there are still the same problems. Is the version I can download the new one? Because it's still PC 1.2.6. I...
Hey Wrecker, when i looked at the log, i recognized, that we had an old version of PC installed. So i installed the new one ( 1.2.4 --> 1.2.6)...
Yes, I deleted groups.txt three times. At the moment I'm not at home and online with my mobile phone. In the evening I'll post a log-dump before...
Sorry Wrecker but after uploading our server on Nitrado we can use PW with the built in permissions System only. Any Ideas ??? Just for your...
hey, is there any possibility to add the features like "lastlogin" again??? That was really cool ;)
Hey Wrecker, did find anything out because of the PEX problem? Vault has a Problem with the intern Metrics, so i feel better without it ;) Ps.:...
Thanks for your work ;) Hope you can solve the problem ... I'm not good in develop plugins. ^^ I tried to add Valut jar in plugincontrol jar......
Sorry for wasting your time Wrecker, but i can't help myself. After downloading the new PluginControl.jar there is the same problem just with an...
Hey wrecker, it seems like I have the same problem Jombie has. First of all the Plugin told me to delete the Groups.txt for using the...
Ok. Being back in germany, i'll try it. Now I'm in Hollyday in Greece. Thank you both very much. I'll follow up, when I am back ;)
We need one, which gets one signal. With this, the chip should be able to operate some turnout before passing it, as well as after passing it.....
Thank you very much vivanewvegas. Don't be afraid, we won't build a computer chip ;) We only develop a minecartsystem. Maybe that is the solution,...
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