Garris0n Thanks for the reply. This is my first time storing cooldowns in this way, as you can probably tell. I've made the cooldown variable...
Hey there!, I'm trying to get a 36 hour cooldown on the 6th use of a command. This is roughly how my project is set up:...
If setting two display-names is an issue, what would you recommend as the best way to change a user's name and allowing prefixes to work properly?...
I'm not necessarily setting two separate nicknames/display-names, though. This command has more than just setting the display-name, but it...
Fixed my post. All this command does is: p.setDisplayName(cCustom + ChatColor.RESET); p.sendMessage(prefix + " " + ChatColor.GRAY + "You set...
Hey, In a nickname sort of plugin I'm creating, I recently ran into an issue. While the line in the config for changing a users displayname is...
Hello, recently I completed my MySQL token system and have advanced onto a much simpler plugin that would display a player's token balance using...
WoodMKII Thank you, I fixed it. - I'm working on a scoreboard now, but I'm going to make a new post on that. Appreciate it!
The DB has the default port (3306). Any ideas how to fix?
WoodMKII Hey there, the errors seem to be coming from the configuration relationship w/ the database. Console log^
Edit: Snipped to protect code.
How could you change table data with MySQL? I've tried pretty much everything here.. and anywhere else.. This <-- is what I need help with.
Hey there. I've been coding plugins for quite some time and just freelance develop. Basically, I study forum posts and Java Docs, however I never...
McKiller5252 Give this a try: .runTaskLater(this.plugin, 60); on your public final class.
Acer_Mortem Thank you - I've solved the problem. I truly appreciate your help :)
Separate names with a comma.