can you maybe bring out the shopping system for bukkit, please this is awesome. I mean bring out the shopping plugin extra as an external plugin...
how about craftbukkituptodate support?? Please make a bukkit dev account. You'll get a [diamond] for your nice work. So users can farm levers...
Im getting an error running bukkit 1.2.3-R0.2 when i will use a command per console: 07:19:52 [WARNING] Unexpected exception while parsing console...
Hi I've bought me a root server and yeah everything was fine(the server was "perfect") but then i installed world guard and my server has before...
thank you Taco
How the title says "Whats the code of location from a dead player?" You need to know that im new to java. But yeah i searched the bukkit javadocs...
Hi So how the title says my user that have no permission to do shutdown my server or reload it can do it.. Im using group manager(globalgroups...
Thanks for help Baba! One thing do you know the best values for "normal" players?(Joker mode) :D
One question does your plugin supports values like 0.2 and 1.5? Because if i set pumkin chance to 1 there are too much pumkins. When i set pumkin...
I think i want it... because it is fun. But when i can configure how much mobs spawn, then its better. @V10lator thats right with the lagg but...
Hi guys Im requesting now a plugin with that i can make a friework like in this video and maybe that tnt got shot up and then when it explods mobs...
[diamond] For you(Ok i need to say i dont had used this plugin but (now the big but) its sounds so awesome that i try it if you have finished it...
yes but i mean you have written the word view wrong you have written veiw. I dont mean the channel the word(view):D
You have written veiw but the correct its view. You can !!veiw!! his channel here. I marked it with !!
Hey Adamki you have got one thing wrong: You can veiw his channel here. The word veiw is need to be corrected(view). :grins:
Separate names with a comma.