awsome thanks i thought i broke it cause im a newb lol
when i make a lava furnace it wont take mats out of the supply chest and put it into the furnace. am i doing anything wrong or is it bugged with...
i was haveing problims with this plugin befor so i use a very out dated one. any one know if the newest one show the commands for other plugins in...
@garbagemule i have a request for the next update or so... that armor dose not get damaged like weapons don't. and it would be awesome to be able...
are you sure you are stopping the server correctly if so then maybe you have a conflicting plugin P.S. im going to sleep now
could you be more specific aka what plugins you have version of bukkit and idk a server log did you put the permission node - in for...
@nossr50 when would you think you will add the sorcery? because i have some good ideas for it, 1. an item that you can use to guick cast a...
i think i have found a new bug... players weapons now get damaged when before they did not
could some one pm me or reply to my post say that this plugin is compatible with the vampire one. thanks in advance!
well thanks for trying to help me out but every thing seems aOkay now, and people on my server are now starting to use spout again... YAY
right now i am testing to see if spout crashes on me so if it dose and continues i am just going to and fix it my self :) . and about the build i...
any one know if spout is finally fixed (as in the crashing every 5 min and when someone joins the host gets kicked)... much appreciated!
by any chancevwould this change curent vampires into wearwolfs . or is this compatible with the vampire plugin at all?
DAMN YOU SPOUT... keeps on crashing my minecraft and using a shit ton load of cpu... why did they have to go in and add optifog... it messes every...
yay the new spout serverside thing gald it was soon then like 5 hours later lol Thanks for the coridinates : )
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