now I can put my server back online, can't live without this, thanks for the update
installed new version, the version message is telling me I'm still using 3.1.
Alright, it was my bad, It's all working fine now:)
the whitelist issue I can replicate, the second issue seems to be a one time only thing
bug report time: created region, disable entry, add one guy to whitelist he can enter fine, add another guy to whitelist, he can enter fine. Then...
:) keep up the good work:) On my test server it was your plugin and permissions, that worked fine, then I enabled essentials and the issue...
Hello, me again, Fantastic Job cleaning up and upgrading this. I downloaded it an hour ago, and shoved it on my local test server, all working...
I have this too, I created a test region at the start to test the plugin, I then deleted the region, and whenever I reload the plugins on my...
It could be something to do with me messing up the database or some other problem, the players are definitely on the white list beacuse it tells...
Plugin works well apart from these issues "/regions version" gives me "invalid regions command!" When I create a region within a region, it...
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