Here is what I'm thinking off the top of my head on creating the explosion like that: 1. get all the blocks in a circular area with .distance()...
I see your problem before you set the score for online players in the scoreboard do online = Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().length; Because online gets...
AoH_Ruthless Also.. what is the error exactly? And you should do event.setCancelled(true); only when you want to cancel it and nothing when you...
Here is something i coded quickly.. I would look it over and make sure it does what you are asking public boolean isFull(Player p){...
Im not sure if i read your code right but you can do: for(ItemStack item : player.getInventory().getContents()){ //Then get all your items from...
Can i see your plugin.yml?
I saw two things that could have gone wrong are: 1. Player might not have 3 arguments when typing the command 2. args[2] might not be an integer...
for the public void openFile(PlayerJoinEvent e), i would actually remove. I would probably make one like public void createFile(Player p, String...
Create an onEnable and register your events. If you need help with onenable or registering events, a quick google search should answer that. There...
Not aure if this would fix but i would uncomment line 44 and on line 49, change player.getworld() to world. Also make sure you save the world....
Do inv.set(item, slot); Dont have my comp right now so it should be something like that. The slot and item might be flipped. Also.. it might not...
This might not be the best solution and i dont even know if it would work but.. i would get the event's damage, and deal it to the player along...
Is it possible to disconnect a player from one server and to connect them to a different server? If so, please tell me how. Any help is greatly...
that would prob cause an error on use of enchanted items
public void onDamage(PlayerDamageEvent e){ Player p = e.getPlayer(); p.setPlayerListName(p.getName() + ": " + (player.getHealth()/2)); }
Separate names with a comma.