If I use player.setScoreboard(manager.getNewScoreboard()); to clear the scoreboard, wouldn't this remove all scoreboards? Also, is it possible...
I've read that, but it didn't help me, what things do I have to do?
This licence: http://dev.bukkit.org/licenses/7-gnu-general-public-license-version-3-gplv3/ If someone uses this on their plugin, am I allowed to...
Aw Awesome! Do you know where I can find the JavaDocs of Velocity?
Does Velocity also works if I need the boat to fly? >.<
I know that, but I have to TP it a lot and that would lag a bit.
Okay thanks, Another question: If I TP the boat, with a players inside, does he stay in there?
Try checking if the block is somehow equal to FallingSand
I am making a plugin using boats, and I need to EVERYTHING about them, how to Tp them, how to set a rider, is there a event for players leaving a...
I got the first bit... luckely I don't need to use that much math in Java. Thanks for explaining:D
I'm terrible with math in Java and have NO IDEA what that code means, could you explain it a bit?
@Sfap https://bukkit.org/threads/tutorial-scoreboards-teams-with-the-bukkit-api.139655/ Realy easy
Hello, i ake a minegame plugin and need to spil the player in groups to divide them into teams. but the problem is I need the teams not divided...
Separate names with a comma.