You and DreTaX were two of only a handful of devs I interacted with fairly often. I still have AdminSmoke, lol. Easily the best beer money I've...
I don't know about his, but I don't use worldguard. It happens everywhere for normally spawned mobs. Mob spawners work fine. I have another bug...
I'd bet you're having the same issue as we are. After a restart, mobs spawn everywhere just fine, but as more chunks are loaded, mobs stop...
@ CypherX: I only deleted DBVERSION after xAuth failed to properly update the tables on my data. First try was to delete the DBVERSION which...
CypherX: I deleted it, so xAuth would connect to my database. Everything seems to be good, so far. Still very little usage of locations and...
SQL problem when upgrading from 2.0.4 to 2.0.8. *Edit* I think I've fixed it. I just removed all of the tables...
Disregard my previous problem. I had run xAuth once to generate a fresh config and forgot to delete DBVERSION. After deleting it, everything's peachy.
xAuth isn't creating any tables and I'm getting this error. It's the only error in my server.log. 2012-04-08 20:22:41 [INFO] [xAuth] Enabling...
Just wanted to say thanks for picking dev back up! I've used xAuth for a long time now and I've stuck with it, even when buggy, because it was the...
I've used xAuth for such a long time... I don't want to switch, as it does everything that's needed. It's light-weight and an all-around great...
Yes, someone PLEASE fork this... It's an amazing plugin, but it's being mistreated, lol. I'd rather not have to bother installing AuthMe. I'll...
Here's my startup log. I'm also in IRC right now. Towny's the last thing I need to fix before my server's working for 1.0.0. Thanks! Startup Log:...
I'm using and I have my config setup to use permissions and register. But, towny's not using my perms. It's using the config. I've set...
I'm switching from permissionsbukkit. Well, I've got a ton of perms and I really don't want to have to rewrite them. PEX supports superperms, but...
@bergerkiller Lol, sorry I'm tired... I didn't even read the error, just assumed that it was caused by NoLaggChunks. Strange that it occured...
Separate names with a comma.