Hello, I am the developper of ByteCart, a mass transit system plugin that help to create a rail network that works like internet. More than a...
There is an error when trying to sign in.
I just saw this. Hidendra has done a good work and brought a lot to the community. Thank you.
mcstats has had a problem since 5 days: the plugin list is empty, and displaying a single plugin shows information until 4 September and not...
I guess the event is called twice when the item is a vehicle. Try to detect the 2 events, maybe one of two can be filtered.
ByteCart does exactly what you describe. BCProtect is another plugin to add protection to the network and carts. It is designed to be a public...
I think you should finish with chest.update(true) to update the block with the new type and data.
No one can help you on a hypothetic problem. What is exactly the error or unexpected behaviour you get when executing this code ?
I think the problem is that world.getLoadedChunks() with all its initial content stay in memory as long as you stay in the for loop, so memory is...
Best way to achieve this is to store data in a quadtree. Checking if a location is in a region is just checking that the region is referenced in...
The problem is here: System.out.print(((Player) playerInRange).getHealth()); playerInRange is an entity. casting to a Player without checking if...
Maybe accessing the config file in a static way would be better from an asynchronous task (is this what you mean by "scheduler ?). get the config...
A TeamUserPlayer is a Player, but a Player is not a TeamUserPlayer. You must create a class implementing TeamUserPlayer class MyTeamUserPlayer...
this point to this method:...
Please point line #355 of your code where the NullPointerException occurs
Separate names with a comma.