@HazePvPHD To get an integer from a string, you would probably want to use Integer.parseInt(String), and just use a for loop for repeating. A...
@ChromeHD__ Code please?
@CrystallFTW Loop through, and use: YamlConfiguration#getString(kitname + ".Name") This will get the name, then you can just change the "Name"...
I have been looking for skyblock plugins, and I have seen that these two are one of the most downloaded skyblock plugins. I would like to choose...
@KnightmareMC What is this plugin supposed to do? I don't really get it from the list of commands
@Hergarian Sorry, the config is quite hard to set up. I will set up a tutorial page on the bukkit devs! And, the format you requested is...
@Hergarian Please mark the post as filled! EDIT: The configuration usage is on the bukkit dev page
@Hergarian Hmm... Ok this seems possible with other plugins, but I will try to implement it @Hergarian Ah, that was quite a big plugin. Click to...
@Hergarian Does this mean the group can't get the item? If so, you don't need to care since your separating the groups into different places
@Hergarian Sorry, I didn't see that permission thing at the bottom. I will make it check if their is pex, and if there is, I will hook into it,...
@Hergarian Seems like a good plugin to me! I will work on it right now. Oh and do you mind if I post it on the bukkit devs? Oh and is it XP or...
@legend_of_link15 Can you give me an explanation of what doesn't work?
@cooperlane Checked it, the hook does knock you back in bukkit, unless some plugin is blocking it
@Robke28 Ok, finished it. Download here
@Protom1234 I made this kind of plugin for someone a while back. Go to...
Separate names with a comma.