I'm having a problem creating json from player's inventory. GsonFactory.getCompactJson().toJson(player.getInventory().getContents()); Caused...
Bump. Would also like to see this updated to v1_8_R3
public void powerUp(EggPlayer player, String powerUp) { ItemStack item = player.getItemInHand(); if(powerUp == "speed") { if (item...
AdamQpzm Please see my previous post about the legality of your "official" builds. My entire point of "official" is that nothing is official...
Conversation with Wolvereness on #BukkitDev about a week ago: http://pastebin.com/1qNxGLCs
Actually, no. I've been thinking about it for a couple of weeks now and see a lot more than kicking for mentioning 3rd party builds... I see a lot...
I think its time to make some official IRC channels for Bukkit. The old ones are run by ex-staff that want nothing to do with whats going on with...
Indeed it is. I've got my eyes on it very closely and am waiting on the first dev builds to start playing with the API they build. It's not just...
Anyways..... To clarify, the server is not running anything 1.8 at all. Its just a protocol hack that allows 1.8 clients to connect to the 1.7...
Why would you get your own plugin's instance that way? The OP states you want to get the plugin's instance in other classes... This is a very...
MyPlugin.java public class MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin { public onEnable() { new SomeOtherClass(this); } } SomeOtherClass.java...
Site works. The "post" is a private conversation that we dont have access to.
I agree with you, trust me. If I was Bukkit "ex-staff" I'd be encouraging this kind of conversation. I'm just saying they are still very hardcore...
Be careful with thread like these. I tried helping people with the same question in IRC and I got banned. Bukkit "ex-staff" still seems to be...
Separate names with a comma.