I used this plugin ages ago.... Mob Repellent and it was awesome. Sadly the dev has disappeared and the plugin has gone the way of the dodo. I...
Thanks guys. Always appreciated, even if we don't tell you all the time. =)
Thanks for the info EvilSeph. I have a server that I run for a few friends. We have already committed to losing our old world in anticipation of...
Mojang makes the game for Mojang and Minecraft players. Not for Bukkit, not for Feed the Beast, not for modders. Sure they like having all these...
Here's my theory. It's really F***ing hard to do. And they do it in their free time.
The bukkit team has explained numerous times exactly why it takes so long (really not that long all things considered) to release updates. You...
Any chance you guys will be running for Congress? =P
Make special note of the Lower case "k" and the Upper case "I". Very important.
@ Clubbedforsaken When has the Bukkit team ever let you down? When have they ever slacked off? When have they not delivered their product the...
You'd think that people would take the hint with all the little padlock icons on all the new 1.5 threads that get started. And then there are all...
Sorry for the late reply. Had Jury Duty. The world map is created by the Dynmap plugin. If you know how to set up a Minecraft server and install...
Why not ask your player what they want or why they left? Answer that and you will probably know what you need to do. Definitely set up a web page...
Title basically says it all. I have looked off an on for a while with no success in finding a way to increase the allowed length of messages in...
Running Java 7 on my Mac but I'm seeing more and more plugins failing recently as I believe the latest update to Java has been blocked by Apple....
Separate names with a comma.