Fuzze, you're the shit. ( That's good by the way. )
Is there any way to allow all mobs in a town except for Creepers? We want guards to have something to do at night, and protecting the town from...
So, I've looked through the settings and everything, but I still can't see where I might be able to set a price on plots for sale. Like if I...
I've created a small tutorial for my community, and it talks about the starter steps to making a town. Thought I might post it here for anyone who...
Could you please reply to my post? I've had to put off the launch of my server for several days trying to figure out this problem. GlabalSettings...
Fuzze, I'd just like to thank you on behalf of my community for fixing this for us. We all thank you.
URGENT HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED! My server is having a lot of trouble getting started with this mod, and I haven't really gotten the help I've...
Okay, I'm using permissions, and for some reason everyone who's under the default permission group has access to all skill ups, and skill gains,...
Is there a way for us to take away the use of /bounty list? We're a roleplay community , and having an actual, physical bounty board is something...
Is there a way to limit the amount of EXP total someone can gain, so people are forced to specialize? For instance, if we limited the max EXP you...
Amazing work, thank you very much.
Solved, thank you. It was fixed by deleting all of the users who had been on before the change.
globals: craftIRC-tag: '#' incoming-tell-format: '&8From {player}: &d' censors: - bu+W*m+a+d+(W*br(a|o)+)? -...
Everyones is going to the Global channel when they talk.
Separate names with a comma.