Hello how can I set a limit for residences per group so like vip= 1 residence vip2= 2 residence how can I do that? is there something like...
We recognized a problem towards embassy plots. We want to use it in our server town, so that players from all towns can buy one of those plots....
Man I love you!! thanks :P
perms: http://pastebin.ca/2162057 startup: http://pastebin.ca/2162060
I did what u have said but even if the build perm is off people can build or destroy can it be because of we added group members towny.plot.* ?
Hello I fixed that problem now only one thing left. When a town his huge and plots are set all town members can break or destroy anyones plot. I...
2012-06-12 20:16:12 [INFO] User checked for "worldguard.region.bypass.world', "*" found else it doesnt work for others, why is that like that? its...
Well I am pretty sure it would work with pex. Though the error message I get is different than pex's error message. And I don't have any other...
its 4.0 craftbukkit permissionsex=1.19.2 towny= perm file= permissions: - deathchest.spawnchest.spawn - essentials.tpadeny...
Hello we have towny and permissionsex however we have towny.town.plot and towny.town.plot.* set on both plugins though it doesnt work for players...
Is it possible to set so server doesnt accept connection cause like this people join and get kicked in 2 seconds.
Hello, I would like to learn one thing. I couldn't configure the plugin to like white-list. I mean I set that guests can't register and they get...
Separate names with a comma.