What method in EntityHorse is it that controls when the horse reels upwards after taking damage, im not 100% sure after having a look, any of you...
So i'm getting an error when teleporting a player from my plugin, it's just simply teleporting them to a location, but it throws this which has...
It want's to change the actual Particle library itself, cant remember exactly but i think it was inside the send packet method, it changed a...
Thats not making it into a circle.... Thats just playing the effect
Thats the thing, i'm not. I've seen this formula used with a library that uses doubles, and it works fine, but when used with this library, it...
So im using the ParticleEffect library, and i know how to surround the player in particles when it comes to using doubles, but this library uses...
So i've got this inv click listener, and everytime i click my item, i get a nullpoint exception. public void onClick(InventoryClickEvent e) {...
I'm looking but kind find it, maybe i have the wrong build. any specific class?
Bump, just need to know how to use packets for this, for like how to show a tnt item? bump :P EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the...
That is truly amazing..... I didn't even think you could click on holograms Could you give me an example of the packet in use? i've only just...
Ah okay, i getcha now, how do i create an item then? Just the same as an ItemStack or?
MrSnare Nah i'm talking about ItemStacks, the items you pick off the ground. Dahwn Now thats a solution! Question is how i would do that :P
How do you manipulate itemstacks? i know how to spawn them into a word, but how do you have them constantly float at a height or have them fly...
That teleport effect doe :o zDylann You should post how you did that to help with these flames
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