Because one is a minor update. The other MAJOR. Small things change, big things change, respectively.
I am having the same issue with task #8
Use booscooldowns, you can add prices for any command your players are allowed to use, for example /spawn costs 100 currency by default I believe,...
Hey guys, so I came up with this idea, which I think would be awesome for my server, or anyone elses. Its a server wide minigame. Basically,...
[IMG] He just keeps spamming this ^ Any ideas why he is doing this? Plugin error, or is he maybe running a modded client?
Plugins working with the previous recommended build should work for this one, yes?
Hey there. I understand when creating a package to add the [user] field which will generate the purchasing players IGN, but it does not work...
Hey, so when I download the heroes plugin, it does not come with a config or anything? Can someone download the newwest version of heroes, and...
Bump. Is anyone interested in producing this plugin?
The 'travelpad' plugin looks perfect! Thanks!! Wait wait.. On second thought it isn't. This would still allow players to create warps inside...
This plugin does not solve my problem. And I am familiar with this plugin, I have used it before on this same server. If I set that plugin up...
Multiverse has all the features you're after... Learn to use permissions and you will be fine.
Hey guys. So I have been running my server for a while, it does not encounter many problems. Griefing is non existent, and pvp is issue-less....
Im saying like, players using the protected region to kill other players without themselves being killl.. Nah fuq it.
Does this plugin have a 'fake logout/login' feature which hides you from the player list, and sends out a logout/in message? Get back to me.
Separate names with a comma.