I'm going to try and attend this since I have a few questions about the API itself.
There is a lot of different ways this can be done. public void onEntityDeath (EntityDeathEvent event) { Event eventType =...
Does this unregister the events too?
First you want to change: Player s = this.getServer.getPlayer(sender.toString()); then: Player target = this.getServer.getPlayer(args[1]); I'm...
It won't display anything because this is sending the message when your starting the server/loading plugins. Unless you plan on adding the plugin...
Try casting it
Yes there is something wrong with your casting.
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.Map probably means: Player s = (Player)sender; is most likely wrong....
Are you using Eclipse to code the plugins? Just because there isn't a logic or syntax error doesn't mean that something in the code can't go...
Show us what you have attempted to do along with the permission file itself.
Where do I request for this feature?
Whatever you type after the commands are just arguments. Its there on the onCommand method itself, in the case of "/example list" you just need...
I'm using this to disable my plugin: pm.disablePlugin(plugin); but it doesn't disable the events so if I re-enable it, it duplicates the number...
You don't want to do .getBlockX() since that gets the floored value of the X component, indicating the block that this location is contained with....
Separate names with a comma.