[DEV] OddItem 0.9.5 - Unified custom items list and parser [1.2.5-R1.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by petteyg359, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. Offline


    See OddItem on dev.bukkit.org.

    A database of item ids, damage values, and aliases. Provides an API so that a single set of aliases may be shared among all plugins.

    Allows players to show all aliases of their currently held item, or any other alias.

    Allows maintaining groups of items (e.g. kits) that may be accessed by multiple plugins, with arbitrary metadata in ConfigurationSection format.

    See OddItem on dev.bukkit.org.
    Rowanzy, MasterMeNL, KingPin and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Yours, since you posted it :)
  3. Offline


    If that's the case, I will keep it up-to-date by editing that post (the reason for the awesome professional changelog xD).
    EDIT: you might want to update your main post with a link to my item.txt instead of the old one (no offense / anything else).
  4. Offline


    Major update in progress. I'll try very hard to avoid any vaporware :)

    • several different "suggesters" - a couple of them are specifically designed for foreign languages
    • configuration will allow grouping items
      • allows other plugins to reference specific sets of items for querying - just pull an OddItem group instead of requiring a separate list of items in other plugin configurations
    • configuration will be in YAML
      • don't worry, it's still simple and shouldn't confuse anybody
        • the list posted earlier by MasterMeNL is included in the jar, and will automatically be written on first load, so you don't even have to worry about writing YAML unless you want to change things
  5. Offline


    How will the YAML config look?
    Something like this?
    Anyway, I would be happy to still keep the item list up to date and keep adding alternate names when needed (Will upload an update for more half-step/slab names soon).

    EDIT: It's up and a lot more has been added here.

  6. Offline


    A basic config will look like http://bukkit.somethingodd.info/OddItem.yml.html
    Groups will be something like (I'm not sure if the numbers need to be quoted when they're leaves rather than branches)
      admin: [7,10,11]
      circuits: [24,41,42]
  7. Offline


    I will start updating this today and will probably finish it too.
    Also, since I keep updating the current item.txt (updated it yesterday) I could send you a PM every time I update it so you could update your site's item file as well.

  8. Since you are updating the txt, etc.

    How about adding slimeball|sball for the slimeorb, cause thats how it is called ingame ;)
  9. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    Or even just slime.
  10. Offline


    Well, the point of this plugin is that you can add any alias you'd like. They provide you with a default config, but it's yours to modify! Maybe not everybody wants to call it slime or slimeorb, maybe some will call it snot!
  11. Offline


    Did you look here? :p
    I will update this and will update post in around 10 minutes.
    EDIT: Updated! (On a side note, I didn't add snot, since I don't call a sponge spongebob either xP)

  12. Offline


    I'm just saying that no matter how great your default config is, it won't suit everybody, and the point of the plugin is to be able to customise it. But thanks for your work anyway, along with petteyg359!
  13. Offline


    Will this change the name of an item when you hover over it, or just when you search it?
  14. Offline


    This is not a client mod; it cannot change the name shown by the client. I may attempt a client mod after I get this new version finished.

    EDIT: BukkitContrib appears to allow support for this. Will look into it for the next version.
  15. Offline


    Item.txt file updated to V1.04.
    Also, any news when the new .yml format will come and what will be the definite format, so I can start updating it already.

  16. Offline


    Getting there. Going to have a new plugin that will make use of the groups as an example, just like OddGive was an example of how to use OddItem at first :) The new plugin will also be much more useful than "just an example", just like OddGive :)
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    @petteyg359 & @Nitnelave : just to say that AdminCmd is using OddItem in the last Dev version :)
  19. Offline


    Nice ^^
  20. Offline


  21. Offline


    It seems like a nice API, but I am just back from my holidays and I have to rest a bit :p
  22. Offline


    If I understand the idea behind the group add. It's some kind of "kit" ?
    Allowing user to definite some group with all the wanted item in it, and allow us dev to get that group ?
    I'll have to make some change to make the group thing works but nothing that I can't do ^^
  23. Offline


    User could add to OddItem.yml like this:
     pluginA: [redwool,yellowwool,greenwool]
     pluginB: [ironblock,goldblock,sandstone]
     pluginC: [feather,bone,compass]
    Then, pluginA could ask OddItem whether a group is defined for pluginA, and if so, grab those items instead of having its own list in a separate file (consolidation; if you have 10 plugins that have configurable items for usage, then it is easier to edit one file rather than ten files).
  24. Offline


    Okay it's what I thought and it's really useful :)
    I'll update my plugin to make it works with the new API.
  25. Offline


    Hey, I have looked at it - it looks very nice, however it would be hard for me to implement this at the moment :)
  26. Offline


    No need to, really, unless you want to make use of the groups. The getItemStack signature is the same.
  27. Offline


    Currently updating the item list to support OddItem 0.7 (I just saw it).
  28. hmm it did create the odditem.yml in the main plugin folder where all the .jars are. Shouldn't it be inside the folder odd?
  29. Offline


    Nope. I moved it. Everybody needed a new file anyway, so I wanted to make it as obvious as possible where the new file was, so anybody will look in their plugins folder and immediately see the relevant file. Will be doing the same thing to OddGive in the next version.
  30. Offline


    @petteyg359 : Can you add a List<String> getGroups() that returning all the group's name ?
    I'm implementing Kits in my plugin, and I want to list every available kits when they just do /kit .
  31. Offline


    Done. See getGroups() in javadocs.

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