Solved Worldguard Commands

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by zacky8978, Jan 25, 2013.

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    Okay so on a server that I'm working on I was wondering if there are worldguard protections for disable only hostile mobs from spawning in a specific area, if there is one maybe you could post it in the comments. Or maybe if there is a similar plugin to this to do the same thing because I don't want zombies or creepers blowing up my villagers or skeletons shooting them. Thanks!
  2. Offline


    why yes there is, however it is for ALL mobs, not just hostile. And they can still walk into your protected area.
    /region flag REGIONID mob-spawning deny
    Or use the specific flag for each mob:
    /region flag REGIONID deny-spawn MOBID
  3. Offline


    Thanks friend! :D
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