Bukkit Forums

by EvilSeph at 2:02 PM
(35,596 Views / 7 Likes)
Over the last week or so, we've found ourselves receiving a significant increase in the number of complaints concerning the experience people have when downloading plugins. Upon further investigation, we've discovered that the root cause of these issues is the use of attachments (forcing people to register to download) and URL shorteners that direct people to inappropriate sites which bombard visitors with advertisements or malicious content, leaving a sour taste in their mouths.

That being said, we found ourselves without a choice in the matter: effective immediately, we are banning the use of adf.ly and discouraging the use of shortened URLs in an effort to address the very real concerns they raise. The banning of adf.ly revolves mainly around the poor experience it gives users and the fact it is frequently flagged as a malicious site in various trust environments. While we acknowledge that adf.ly could be used as a form of revenue for some plugin developers, we feel that the...
by EvilSeph at 9:51 PM
(128,316 Views / 26 Likes)
When rumours were abound of the coming of Minecraft 1.5, we were quite frantic since we were just beginning work on a new, better update handling process and were afraid the update would hit before we were ready to handle it. Luckily, to our delight, Mojang experienced a feature creep and couldn't meet the original estimated time of release, resulting in the update being delayed until the week after. While some of you were disappointed with the delay, we were happy and thankful as it gave us the weekend to push to complete the transition to our new update process.

Unfortunately, when the Minecraft update was finally released, we were still finalising the move over to our new update process and this caused some delay. Quite a few of you were unhappy about this and we understand your frustration but we, honestly, feel the delay was for the better. With this new update process, barring local issues we have with our development environments, there should be less confusion and hard to...
by EvilSeph at 12:52 AM
(260,862 Views / 57 Likes)
We have completed the update to Minecraft 1.5_02 (and have had it done for a while now) and are working out a few issues before we promote a recommended build. A TEST ONLY build is available but we highly recommend that you wait until we promote a Recommended Build before putting it on your production server.

You can find the latest test build on ci.bukkit.org. Please note, though, that if you don't already know how to get it, you probably shouldn't be using it. Only Recommended Builds have gone through extensive testing. Anything else could result in unforeseen problems like Bukkit eating your cake or your world. You have been warned.


Common Problems/Questions:
What's the first build that works with Minecraft 1.5_02
The first CraftBukkit build that works with Minecraft 1.5_02 was made available 2 days ago and is build...
by EvilSeph at 12:43 AM
(44,492 Views / 6 Likes)
A new CraftBukkit build (#684) is now available that contains a fix for a CRITICAL crash exploit that allows people to easily freeze and crash your server and has been affecting quite a few servers recently.

There should be no breaking changes in this build so anyone updating from #670-#677 should have no problems. However, you should always be backing your server up before updating to be safe.

Other notable changes include:
  • A new pre-login event that properly exposes the IP and runs in its own thread.
  • Exception handling within the CraftScheduler

Download CraftBukkit #684 here

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