Bukkit Forums

by EvilSeph at 9:35 PM
(46,369 Views / 0 Likes)
A new CraftBukkit Recommended Build (1.2.5-R3.0) that provides Minecraft 1.2.5 compatibility and fixes issues in CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R2.0 is now available. As this RB contains a critical dupe exploit fix, upgrading is highly recommended.

Will plugins break with this build?
Provided the developers of the plugins you are using are keeping up with the development of Bukkit, all your plugins should work fine.

This Recommended Build includes an upgrade to the jLine we use in Bukkit. As a result, Windows servers need the Visual C++ 2008 redistributable if you want to be able to see text formatting in your console (or use -nojline to disable jLine if you don't want to).

Unlike the previous Recommended Build (1.2.5-R2.0), this new RB does not need anything special like ANSICON.

Known Issues:
  • None.
For more detailed information on what is contained in this update,...
by EvilSeph at 8:35 PM
(58,294 Views / 0 Likes)
A new CraftBukkit Recommended Build (1.2.5-R2.0) that provides Minecraft 1.2.5 compatibility and fixes issues in CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R1.0 is now available.

This new RB is the result of our focus on improving performance and addressing any performance related issues people had with the previous RB, 1.2.5-R1.0. As a result, updating to this new RB is recommended.

Will plugins break with this build?
Provided the developers of the plugins you are using are keeping up with the development of Bukkit, all your plugins should work fine.

Notable Changes Include:
- Added ability to toggle stripping of formatting characters in logs (pass "-log-strip-color" to the java process when you launch it).
- Server is now able to send all valid unicode characters. If you are being disconnected on join with an error similar to the following, update your client to at least...
by EvilSeph at 5:01 PM
(50,570 Views / 0 Likes)
A new CraftBukkit Beta Build (1.2.5-R1.3) that provides Minecraft 1.2.5 compatibility and fixes issues in CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R1.2 is now available. Please only use this build if you'd like to help us get a new Recommended Build out and don't mind running a preview build to help us test things. If you were running the previous Beta build, please update to this one as it includes some important fixes.

Will plugins break with this build?
Provided the developers of the plugins you are using are keeping up with the development of Bukkit, all your plugins should work fine.

What is a Beta Build?
A Beta Build is in between a developer build and a Recommended Build. These builds simply work and are promoted much more frequently than a Recommended Build. While we will do some testing before promoting a beta build, we will not be running it through our extensive test process. As such, there are no guarantees that they will not contain minor bugs. If we do find out they are...
by EvilSeph at 9:49 PM
(43,038 Views / 0 Likes)
Since the release of Minecraft 1.2.5, activity around the project has seen a significant slow down and we hope that this short announcement will help clear things up. Despite the recent new additions to the team and the team being eager to get new features and more improvements added to the project, we were quickly made aware of a potential performance issue in our latest Recommended Build, CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R.10. Since it is unacceptable to have a Recommended Build that has a significant performance issue present in it, I immediately froze development on the project and had all our resources redirected to discovering the cause of and resolving the issue of poor performance.

After countless sleepless nights of going through our changes, build by build, we're happy to report that we believe we've tracked down and fixed most of the causes of high CPU usage within our code. Utilising the powerful profiling tool YourKit Java Profiler (which the...