Bukkit Forums

by EvilSeph at 8:38 AM
(50,087 Views / 0 Likes)
With the news that the Minecraft 1.4.5 update will be released next week Tuesday (November 20th, 2012), we've decided to push out a developer quality build (i.e. "it compiles and runs", no guarantees) to help us get to a Beta release faster. As of this post, we've shifted development over to Minecraft 1.4.5 compatibility and now have development builds available with Minecraft 1.4.5 support. While we would love to be able to do this for every Minecraft update, the speed at which we can update is determined by the size and complexity of the update and this varies with each release.

Please only use this build if you're familiar with the Minecraft snapshot process and would like to help us get a Beta Build out soon after Minecraft 1.4.5 is officially released. This build is COMPLETELY UNSUPPORTED and if you do not know how to acquire Minecraft 1.4.5 early to use it, you should not be running it. We will be deleting any questions asking how to get this usable. If you have to ask...
by EvilSeph at 7:37 PM
(74,932 Views / 0 Likes)
With the news that the Minecraft 1.4.4 update will be released tomorrow, we've decided to push out a developer quality build (i.e. "it compiles and runs", no guarantees) to help us get to a Beta release faster. As of this post, we've shifted development over to Minecraft 1.4.4 compatibility and now have development builds available with Minecraft 1.4.4 support. While we would love to be able to do this for every Minecraft update, the speed at which we can update is determined by the size and complexity of the update and this varies with each release.

Please only use this build if you're familiar with the Minecraft snapshot process and would like to help us get a Beta Build out soon after Minecraft 1.4.4 is officially released. This build is COMPLETELY UNSUPPORTED and if you do not know how to acquire Minecraft 1.4.4 early to use it, you should not be running it. We will be deleting any questions asking how to get this usable. If you have to ask where or how to get the development...
by EvilSeph at 10:15 PM
(92,892 Views / 0 Likes)
A new CraftBukkit Beta Build (1.4.2-R0.2) that provides Minecraft 1.4.2 compatibility and fixes serious issues in CraftBukkit 1.4.2-R0.1 is now available. The previous beta is considered broken and will be marked as such on dl.bukkit.org, as a result updating to this beta is highly recommended.

Will plugins break with this build?
Provided the developers of the plugins you are using are keeping up with the development of Bukkit, all your plugins should work fine. Unless we specifically have to break plugins or the plugins you are using are employing inappropriate practises, most plugins should work without needing an update whenever we put out a new release.

What is a Beta build?
A Beta Build is in between a developer build and a Recommended Build. These builds simply work and are promoted much more frequently than a Recommended Build. While we will do some testing before promoting a beta build, we will not be running it through our extensive test process. As such,...
by EvilSeph at 1:12 PM
(71,976 Views / 0 Likes)
A new CraftBukkit Beta Build (1.4.2-R0.1) that provides Minecraft 1.4.2 compatibility is now available in time for Halloween!

Will plugins break with this build?
Provided the developers of the plugins you are using are keeping up with the development of Bukkit, all your plugins should work fine. Unless we specifically have to break plugins or the plugins you are using are employing inappropriate practises, most plugins should work without needing an update whenever we put out a new release.

What is a Beta build?
A Beta Build is in between a developer build and a Recommended Build. These builds simply work and are promoted much more frequently than a Recommended Build. While we will do some testing before promoting a beta build, we will not be running it through our extensive test process. As such, there are no guarantees that they will not contain minor bugs. If we do find out they are broken, we will mark it as such on DLB and promote a new one. A beta build may...