Solved yml save error

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by soulofw0lf, Jul 26, 2013.

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    anyone have any clue why
    1. List<String> channels = new ArrayList<>();
    2. channels.add("Whisper");
    3. channels.add("Local");
    4. channels.add("Shout");
    5. channels.add("World");
    6. channels.add("General");
    7. channels.add("Party");
    8. channels.add("Guild");
    9. channels.add("Region");
    10. channels.add("Trade");
    11. chatConfig.set("Default Channels", channels);
    12. chatConfig.set("No Leave Channels", channels);

    would be saving like

    Default Channels: &id001
    - Whisper
    - Local
    - Shout
    - World
    - General
    - Party
    - Guild
    - Region
    - Trade
    No Leave Channels: *id001
    in the yml?
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    I tested it and get the same, thats the reason:
    Taked it from wikipedia.

    Edit: If you want to have two same lists then use the clone method to get a copy of the arraylist, then you can save two lists with the same content.
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    @Seadragon91 you are a life saver, i googled the hell out of it and couldn't find an answer anywhere :)
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