wtf where are all the permissions

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by katydevil12, Aug 18, 2011.

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    i cant find any permissions plugins the ones i do find are just stupid no offense to the creators but i just want one of the old ones like permissions tomorrow that 1 was the best please help
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    Two things:
    1) Wrong section. Shame on you.

    2) Check [INACTIVE] for Permissions 3.1.x and 2.7.x
    To my knowledge, they both still work.
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    This section of the forums is for help developing a Plugin, not finding one. Also, you sound fairly stupid insulting SuperPerms like bPermissions and PermissionsBukkit where you don't even know the name of the Permissions you use. Permissions Tomorrow = PermissionsEX (I believe).

    I wouldn't get too comfortable using any version of regular Permissions, including Permissions, PermissionsPlus, PermissionsEX, and GroupManager, because soon enough plugins will only support SuperPerms, so download a "stupid" permissions, learn some punctuation, and start configuring.
    ben657 likes this.
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