Worlds will not delete

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by TCGM, Sep 7, 2011.

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    My server will not let me delete worlds. I mean, I delete the world directories, and that's fine and dandy; but next run of the server generates 2 worlds over again I don't want generated. Specifically, space and dungeon, the worlds that would be generated by StyxSpace and BananaMaze. I've removed both these plugins though, so why does the server continually regen these things? I'm running CB 1000 and a whole lot of plugins.
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    I believe you'll have to remove them from bukkit.yml in your server root directory.
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    Use anything like multiworld? remove the configs from that plugin to stop them from coming back.
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    Neither of them are in the bukkit.yml, and I don't use a single multiworld type plugin.
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