
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Awesomebay, Mar 20, 2016.

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    Plugin category: Misc

    Suggested name: GSWorldRestart

    What I want: I want a plugin that by a command you can restart a specific world. I use multiverse and I don't know how to work bungee cord, so what I command that can restart a specific world and kicks all players sending them to the server spawn, if not possible please kick them from the server with a message "&aDimension restarting!"

    Ideas for commands: /wrs

    Ideas for permissions: worldrestart.restart

    When I'd like it by: ASAP or tomorrow!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    So basically no one can join the world and it kicks afk people from it. I'm bad at explaining things xD Sorry
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    Bungeecord is linking different servers. When a server restarts, it automatically kicks people off the server. You are using one server with different worlds, acting like its a huge bungeecord server. I don't get why you want a world restart because that wouldn't do anything.

    A server restart reinstantiates plugins and frees up ram. A world restart will do nothing and serves no purpose.
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