Solved WorldGuard vip error (prison)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by jewelsy15, Jun 12, 2015.

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  1. i've been making regions for all ranks to limit people from entering certain mines but when i tested vip, with vip add as a member, it said i don't have permission. the vip info is this:
    prefix: (&aVIP&r)
    - free
    - essentials.warp.list
    and the rg info is this:
    Region: vip <type=cuboid, priority=0>
    Flags: entry: deny
    Owners: <no owners>
    Members: *vip
    Bounds: <-740,194,-797> -> <-738,196,-797>
    can someone help please
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  3. K I'll try it

    Thanks for the thread but it didn't work does anyone else got any help they can lend?

    Okay found out why my region was failing. I had a second one there called donor which blocked vip from entering so i deleted the region and vip is now allowed in. Thanks oceantheskatr for helping a little.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2016
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    Glad you figured it out. Instead of deleting the other region, you could've set priorities. You can use /rg setpriority <region> <number> to do this. A good example would be you could set your spawn's priority to 5, and if you had a small pvp region inside of spawn you could set the priority of that to 10 and flag pvp allow in the pvp area. This would allow it to override spawn's pvp flag, but only in the pvp region. That is just an example, however you can apply this to many other things.
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