Plugin Help Worldguard not loading

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by fedecek22, Feb 6, 2015.

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    Hi one day my worldguard plugin has crashed and didn't work anymore. I tried to install other versions but I need the lastest. Now the server doesn't load the plugin and ignores it! HELP!!
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    @fedecek22 You haven't really provided any information. You've said there's a problem with loading, but that's it. Can you provide a paste of the stack-trace (console error)? Can you say what version you're using? Can you say what version of Bukkit you're using?
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    I found the error
    10.02 16:37:25 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sk89q/minecraft/util/commands/CommandPermissionsException
    10.02 16:37:25 [Server] ERROR Could not load 'plugins/WorldGuard.jar' in folder 'plugins
    I didn't do anything only changed the version of worldguard and now all the plugins of sk89q does not load. D:
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    The working plugins I have are:
    MultiWorld, IronElevators, PlugMan, ServerMotd, CleanChat, AntiCombatLog, MassiveCore, AdminFun, Vault, PlotMe, KitsPreview, PermissionsEx, CombatTag, CoreProtect, CrackShot, iDisguise, JukeLoop, PvPTitles, ZavAutoMessager, ClearLag, BungeeCordLib, ProtocolLib, Essentials, Citizens, EssentialsProtect, ItemCase, EssentialsSpawn, Multiverse-Core, EssentialsAntiBuild, ItemSlotMachine, WarpPortals, AuthMe, MyPet, EssentialsChat, Timeismoney, HolographicDisplays, Factions, AdminTP, ScoreboardStats
    The non working plugins are:
    WorldGuard and WorldQEdit
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    @fedecek22 WorldGuard requires WorldEdit. If you changed the version of WorldGuard, change WorldEdit too.
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    They're both up to date on version 6.0
    By the way I had also CraftBook that is a plugin of sk89q and even this one didn't work although I didn't change version or config.
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