Solved Worldguard issues??

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by qaman6, Jul 23, 2013.

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    Okay, so I'm running a prison server, and I'd like to have it so the entire prison is protected. The plugin is working 100% perfectly, but I would like to have groups inside the prison in which building is allowed, for example, in the mine. I tried using /region setparent mine1 prison, but by doing that it takes away everyones' abilities to build. Please help me, help is appreciated greatly!
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  3. Offline


    I'm an op, and my group has all the permissions for worldguard. Have you got any other suggestions on creating sub-zones?
  4. Offline


    Sadly no, as that is all that I can think of. :(
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    I had this problem when I made my prison server, here is what you do
    /rg define mine
    /rg flag mine build allow <-- allowing anyone to build
    /rg setparent mine prison <-- making mines flags override prison ones
    HelpfulBeast likes this.
  6. Offline


    Thanks for explaining that. Unfortunately I did not know that! :D
  7. Offline


    Thanks for everyone's help. I found out it was the priority. It needs to be higher than the parent. You need to make it so you type /rg setpriority [child zone] [any number higher than 0. I use 1]
    So for me, it would be /rg setparent mine prison, then /rg setpriority mine 1
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