WorldGuard integration into plugin [Protected Regions]

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Snowl, Jan 31, 2011.

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    I want to integrate Worldguard into my plugin and to check if breaking a block in a protected zone, and not allowed to, then it stops it's function. Please help.

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    Is Worldguard cancelling the event early or late in the priority flow? As long are you're not reacting to cancelled events...
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    Laaaaaate. It respawns the block but my plugin still triggers, as it's on Block = Broken. I don't want it to trigger if it is protected and they can't break it :( It's priority is even on lowest :(
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    Use priority Highest.

    WorldGuard uses the priority High, so Highest will be called after High (in which you can then check if it's cancelled, and if it is, don't do anything)
  5. Offline


    Still doesnt work. Do I call
    (Doesn't work)

    If I do

    It works, but never executes my code if i'm allowed to break inside the protected area/don't have worldguard

    URGHFHEFWHU! Still not working???! >_>
  6. Offline


    You're supposed to use normal or low and then check if the event is cancelled.

    But event handler priorities don't work in Bukkit yet, so it's currently impossible.
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