Worldguard flag - no fly

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by jujulogey, Mar 7, 2013.

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    Plugin category: Restrict

    Suggested name: JFly

    A bit about me: I'm a server owner, and Im having problems with players flying in Parkour, and special events. Also the way I restrict pvp running is bypassed by flying.. I need to be able to prevent flying in certain regions!

    What I want:
    I would like a plugin that would disabled flying in world guard regions of witch you choose, i would like it to maybe work with NoCheatPlus because it fully stops flying even if they have the nocheat node, i would like to not allow them to fly in the region i have stated in the command, this would be real helpful and stop those cheaters.
    Ideas for commands: /jf (regionName) allow/deny - will set that world guard region to deny or allow flight but even if this command has not been done they can still fly in the region
    /jf reload - reloads the plugin.

    Ideas for permissions: - allows this player to bypass no flying in regions that are no flight.

    When I'd like it by: When ever its done :D
    Similar plugin requests: None.

    Im willing to reward for this plugin , please add me on skype for more info and instant chat thanks alot. king. skype": Jujulogey
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