Solved WorldGuard/Essentials Signs

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ProfessorShanks, Feb 15, 2014.

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    I have been through a lot of threads with this problem and through plenty of fixes that haven't worked. So let see if we can figure this out.

    I made a store using "Buy" signs using Essentials. (So in my permissions file the permission will be [Essentials.signs.use.<insert sign type here>] And i'm also using world guard. I made a region around my spawn. So now players cannot break blocks, but they also cant use the [BUY] or [SELL] signs either.

    It's at the point where they CAN use the sign. And the BUY transaction will go through. But itll STILL say "You are not permitted to use WALL_SIGN"
    Pics error.PNG

    - I had a server before and made this work. I just dont remember how i did it. It's more than something that will be really stupid.
    - I know my PermissionsEX files are working perfectly cause all the other commands and prefixes show up.


    I deleted Essentials Anti Build, And that fixed the problem, but then people could break everything else in the region. Even though i'm set as the ONLY owner, So i put it back in. I tried using a few region flags to fix it, which didn't do much. So i would appreciate if anyone knew what was up.

    Here is my perm file

    Plugins used:
    • Announcer
    • Cookie Monster
    • Essentials (Chat, Anti-Build, Protect)
    • NoCheatPlus
    • PermissionsEX
    • Vault
    • World Edit
    • World Guard

      Let me know if you need any more info
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    Do you need essentials anti-build and protect? If not - delete them and it should work.
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    Those have 2 different uses so they arent conflicting with eachother.

    I figured out what the problem was. It's cause im stupid. I was going back and forth between default class and ServerOwner permissions testing it by myself. Only to remember, no matter what group i switch to, my username is still going to be the Owner of the Spawn region.

    My bad.
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